Project: icon [Dukemon]  RepoSense: [Chen Hui] [Team]

Tutors: [James Pang] [Ms. Anita]

jamessspanggg msAnita

Team members: [Chen Hui] [Yi Da] [Subbash] [Jason] [Paul]

icon kohyida1997 sreesubbash jascxx dragontho

1. icon Overview of Dukemon

Figure 1. Dukemon's design.

Dukemon is a desktop flashcard application, which aims to streamline and gamify the process of learning words and definitions.
The user interacts with it primarily through a CLI (Command Line Interface), with some GUI (Graphical User Interface) features.

Allow me to brief you on some useful terms and to give you a context.

  1. Flashcards are termed as Cards.

  2. A collective set of Cards are termed as WordBank.

  3. A general flow of Dukemon's usage is as follows:

    1. Note taking phase

      1. User creates/selects a WordBank.

      2. User populates the WordBank with Cards, or edit the Cards.

    2. Learning phase

      1. User starts the game using selected WordBank.

      2. Dukemon prompts the questions, and user has to answer accordingly.

      3. Dukemon ends the game.

      4. User reviews performance from statistics page.

2. Summary of contributions

2.1. Major feature

WordBank Management

  • What it does:

    • Enables user to have a high level management for his WordBanks and Cards through CLI and GUI.
      Is semi-automated by Dukemon to enhance user’s learning experience.
      Consists of four complementary distinct sections.

      1. WordBank's data structure and its storage system:
        Allows developers to use and extend this architecture to streamline their feature implementation.
        Allows user to save and load their WordBanks.
        Is implemented with a robust underlying WordBankList data structure, with its own WordBankListStorage, along with rich integration of Model, Storage, Logic and UI to synchronise its data.

      2. User Commands:
        Allows user to customise Cards / WordBanks through CardCommands / WordBankCommands.

      3. Drag and drop:
        Allows user to export their WordBanks out of their computer simply by dragging it out of Dukemon.
        Likewise, it allows user to import a WordBank file from their computer by dragging it into Dukemon.

      4. Revision WordBank:
        Allows user to visit a centralised word bank that automatically collects cards for revision.
        Cards that were answered wrongly are automatically added to this revision bank.
        Likewise, cards that were answered correctly during game play are automatically removed from this revision bank.

  • Justification:

    • Well designed architecture and well implemented data structure streamlines integration and allows extension for features that builds on top of it. (Statistics, Game, Settings)

    • Management system is essential for a self-typed flashcard app like Dukemon.

    • Drag and drop accelerates the sharing of knowledge/notes with friends, thereby enhancing user experience.

    • Revision WordBank improves the learning process by helping the user collate cards that requires revision.

  • Highlights:

    • There exists multiple ways to design and implement WordBank management. Throughout Dukemon's development, it has been restructured and rewritten a few times before finally coming to how it is implemented now.
      This was primarily because my teammate’s features requires heavy and continuous integration with WordBank’s management. We came together twice every week to discuss how our features should be integrated with one another.
      To best implement it, I spent considerable amount of effort to study different design patterns and architectural styles, such as MVC (Model View Controller), Observer Pattern, n-Tier Style, Event-Driven Style, to realise the final design.

    • Continual in-depth discussion with team member, Subbash, to find the best design to integrate user commands with his different modes.

    • Discussed with team member, Paul, who is in-charge of UI, on Observer Pattern usage to display Cards and WordBanks that automatically update itself.

    • Consulted team member, Jason, on how I can best leverage his Statistics feature to streamline my revision bank implementation.

    • Learned and adapted Callbacks and Functional Programming into my drag and drop section to preserve the quality and structural integrity of the existing code base, from team member Yi Da.

    • Individually sourced for proper online tutorials and online code references to implement drag and drop section, and design concepts such as Observer Pattern and MVC within Cards and WordBanks.

2.2. Minor features

  • Default WordBanks for new players

    • Implemented multiple user friendly word banks for user to try out. (pokemon, arithmetic, trivia, graph, cs2103t)

    • Created on the first launch of Dukemon (implemented through preferences file), and behaves like normal word bank. (Can be edited and removed)

    • Implemented the initialisation of required folders for related files automatically if not present.

  • User experience centric messages

    • Played the game insane amount of times to design constructive feedback to display on the command box from the user perspective.

    • Developed user friendly command usage feedback that guides the user to using Dukemon.

2.3. Other contributions

3. Contributions to the User Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the User Guide. They showcase my ability to write documentation targeting end-users.
I will prioritise sections that contains diagrams to showcase my ability to engage the user.

4. WordBank management

4.1. Drag and drop

Streamlines the process of sharing of WordBanks with friends.

DragAndDrop1     →     DragAndDrop2     →     DragAndDrop3

From HOME mode, you can view your WordBanks.
Simply drag and drop a WordBank json file from your computer into the Dukemon GUI.

DragAndDropOut1     →     DragAndDropOut2     →     DragAndDropOut3

Likewise, drag and drop a WordBank out of the application, into say, your desktop, or chat applications.

Try it!

Dukemon only accepts json files when importing WordBanks. Attempting to import or export other types files will not be successful.

4.2. Revision WordBank

A revision bank is automatically updated for you, every time a game session ends.
It collates all your wrong cards, whichever WordBank it may have came from.
It is also smart enough to remove the cards if you have cleared it afterwards.

Quick look at revision bank’s page.


The revision bank is best appreciated when you actually play around with some WordBanks, and then visit the revision bank to revise wrong cards. Give it a try!

  • Due to page limit constraints, I am unable to fully cover the breadth and depth of my User Guide’s documentation.
    Below are the links to my other contributions in User Guide. Do visit them for a better understanding of the breadth and depth of my effort and contribution.

5. Contributions to the Developer Guide

Given below are sections I contributed to the Developer Guide. They showcase my ability to write technical documentation and the technical depth of my contributions to the project.
Due to page limit constraints, I will collate different UML diagrams across different sections that I have contributed.
A link to the full documentation will be included for each of the diagrams. Do visit them for a better understanding of the breadth and depth of my effort and contribution.

5.1. WordBank's data structure and its storage

WordBank's storage system integration.
Figure 2. Integration of WordBankList within Storage and Model.

WordBankListStorage consists of robust methods in which developers can use and extend upon easily.
Alongside with WordBank's data structure, they lay the foundation for the other complementary sections of WordBank Management.

On top of that, they serve as a essential foundation for Dukemon. As such, these data structures and methods were required by the team, to build individual features. (Statistics, Game, Settings)

5.2. User commands

Allows user to customise Cards and group them according to topics (WordBanks).
User commands edits and manipulates Cards and WordBanks heavily.

As mentioned previously, user commands will extend and utilise WordBank's data structure and storage heavily.
You can refer to it to enhance your understanding of this implementation.

Let us first introduce you how these commands are implemented and structured in Logic.

Figure 3. Overview class diagram of Logic with emphasis on CardCommands and WordBankCommands.

5.3. Drag and drop

Walkthrough - Drag in.
Figure 4. Sequence diagram showing how drag and drop utilises the ImportCommand and thus the WordBank's storage.

LoadBankPanel is the corresponding class and the FXML file that displays the WordBanks for the user.
It is deeply nested within UI and only has access to an ObservableList<WordBank>.
This means it has no way to perform commands, update model or update storage.

  1. To work around this, a functional callback is registered within LoadBankPanel.

  2. LoadBankPanel registers JavaFX’s UI drag detection and drag dropped methods, with the callback.

  3. After which, the callback essentially performs an ImportCommand, to load the WordBank.

It is also noteworthy to mention that, dragging into Dukemon functionality is well guarded against:

  • Not json file format.

  • Json file but data in wrong format.

  • Json file with correct format but contains duplicate cards within.

User receives apt feedback through the command box for different cases. This is possible with careful exceptions handling within the ImportCommand itself.

5.4. Revision WordBank

Figure 5. Activity diagram showing different scenarios possible while trying to update revision bank.
  • Below are the links to my other contributions in Developer Guide. Do visit them for a better understanding of the breadth and depth of my effort and contribution.

6. bag icon More about me